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Our Mascot Prezzemolo

A little history

Once upon a time, long ago in 1975, and still to this day, there lived a friendly green dragon...who won the hearts of old and young alike! Many know that long ago in 1975 Italy's first amusement park came into being on the shores of Lake Garda: Gardaland! Not everyone knows, however, that 1975 also saw the birth of a creature to protect the symbolic castle of the park and its entrance, Prezzemolo: a long-long eared green dragon.

The years pass and that green dragon wins the heart of millions, young and old, day after day, until in 1993 Gardaland decides to launch a competition to help bring its mascot up to date. The competition was won by Lorenzo De Pretto, a young and highly talented comic artist from Veneto, who can be considered to all effects and purposes the "daddy" of Prezzemolo as the dragon is still known today. A few years later, in April 1995, the tender long-eared dragon becomes the hero of a comic book, published for the first year by FPM Editore. After a few editions, Prezzemolo is joined by his inseparable friends: Aurora, Mously, Bambù, Pagui and his rival T-Gey. In 2002, the light-hearted brigade becomes the star of a 26-episode cartoon aired by Italia 1.

Even though many years have passed - more than forty to be exact - with many many adventures for Prezzemolo the green dragon, he has never lost his sheen (green!) and continues to win the hearts of the thousands of Park visitors. Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce you Prezzemolo: the sweet dragon mascot of Gardaland!


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